Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A Big Week!

What a week we've had! Last Wednesday Grandma Beckman and her sister, Great Aunt Sue spent the day and night with us. We had such fun! Aunt Sue brought Henry some great presents, including a little toy snail that he loves. Thanks Sue! In the last week, Henry has started reaching for us, which is so fun. It takes quite a bit of coaxing, but when he does finally reach out for us it is great. MooMoo and Grandpa Hacker helped that trick along. On Monday he got his first tooth and he is taking it like a champ. He chews on it constantly, which causes his cheeks to fall even more so that they sit neatly on his shoulders. Last night he held his bottle by himself for the first time. I'm not sure if Daddy is ready for that. Tim's favorite time of the day is in the rocking chair with Henry and his evening bottle. It's the only bottle Henry takes during the day, and Tim looks so forward to giving it to him. I love to peek in on them - it is really sweet. As I write this, Henry is rolling around the room like crazy, Grandma Carol chasing after him, cleaning spit up left in his trail. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week.

Grandma Beckman and Great Aunt Sue


Adrienne Maples said...

It's amazing how fast they grow! He's getting cuter by the day- we can't wait to see you guys again ;)

Liz said...

A tooth!? Oh my!! These are exciting changes! He is most handsome every day. Hope it's not too long before we're together again. All the best!