Wednesday, December 19, 2007

First Christmas, First Babysitter!

Over the weekend we celebrated a White Christmas here with Grandma and Grandpa Beckman. Snowed in all day Saturday, we ate ourselves silly, warmed up to a roaring fire in the fireplace, viewed old slides projected on the family room wall, and opened presents. Skeptical at first, Henry is warming up to his new rocking horse from Grandma and Grandpa. And with his new cowboy pajamas, he is really ready to ride. Great Grandpa Shamel, Great Grandpa Hacker and Uncle Jim will be proud. After a wonderful weekend, we had another first on Tuesday - Henry's first babysitter! Sophie came to meet us on Monday and we loved her. I felt completely comfortable leaving Henry with her for a few hours Tuesday afternoon. He didn't even look up as I left, which was great, and was all smiles when I returned. Sophie reported a fun time was had by all...and Henry seemed to agree. We are off to Missouri tomorrow...Happy Holidays everyone!!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Ok, what is it about a naked baby!? And those cheeks!! (you decide which ones) ;) He's just precious, you guys! I think Henry and Stella are long overdue for another date. We'll make it happen!! MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all!