Saturday, July 12, 2008

Catch up...

I've got lots of catching up to do...from three trips to the zoo, a weekend at the lake with good friends Dave and Erica and a Cincinnati bbq. Henry is loving the summer. We always have something fun to do outside, whether it be at the zoo, the pool, the lake, on the boat, or simply in the backyard picking lettuce and green beans from the garden. I feel like each morning he wakes excited, anxious to see what the day will hold. While at the zoo Henry "loved" the goats. To "love" he places his cheek on the goats very gently. It may seem unsanitary, but the alternative is a somewhat violent pat on the goats backside. He also got to pet the sharks...yikes! We explore new parks weekly, and Henry loves to slide and drive. His favorites this week were a green tractor he could sit on and steer, and a blue sports car on springs which he was able to "drive." He babbles constantly while he runs and runs, exploring every corner of each new playground. He is getting a bit picky with his vegetables, but loves fruit...he tasted plums this morning and loved them. His cuspids are coming in, so I'm hoping that has something to do with his picky palate. While at the lake last weekend, he waved at every boat on the water, only pausing to wave at airplanes occasionally flying over...always the first to hear them, of course. Our long road trips are more fun for him now as he waves at every semi and motorcycle (yikes) on the road. He is such a happy little guy, growing daily. He has developed quite a loud, hearty laugh, which our neighbor can hear from inside her house. He continues to love his books...picking a favorite each day. Often, he will even pick up a book I am reading and lounge on the floor, flipping through the picture-less pages. Yay! We're really hoping his love for books continues to grow.

We're off to three bbqs this weekend...more pictures to come!

1 comment:

Liz said...

He's gotten SO BIG since your last post. Oh, I wish we had been able to see you while you were in Cincy. Keep the updates coming. It's fun to know that Henry and Stella would be even better friends if we lived close by.