Saturday, March 31, 2007

Hi Olivia & Sophie

Thank you for my new white PJs which I got to wear home from the hospital today and my new green car seat. My Momma & Daddy tell me lots about you and I can't wait until we meet.

Welcome Henry David Beckman

Just like he was supposed to, Henry David Beckman arrived exactly one week early on March 29. The delivery was quick and easy and he is perfect. Grandma and Grandpas Beckman and Hacker and Uncle John joined us shortly after the delivery and we are celebrating still as we spend our first afternoon at home, just in time for the Final Four. Henry weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces and is 22 inches long...he is long and skinny with really long feet, fingers and toes. He is very calm and patient, taking after his daddy. Thank you to everyone for your calls, flowers and warm wishes - we are so excited and loving every minute of this. Come see us soon.

Proud Uncle John

Grandpa Dan

Grandma Carol

Grandma Hacker

Grandpa Hacker

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


With only one week until our due date, we thought it a good idea to start a blog on which we can display millions of pictures of our Baby Beckman upon arrival. We think this will be a fun way to keep our friends and family up-to-date during those times we are apart. Until then, Happy Spring! And a special thanks to my dear sister-in-law, Adrienne (, for taking such fun belly pictures.