Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Preschool Graduation and into Summer (post 1 of 2)

And, shortly after turning 5, Henry graduated from preschool. He couldn't be more excited for kindergarten - he speaks of it daily. In the meantime, however, we are loving summer. The pool is open, picnics are a plenty, and the sun is shining brightly. Henry still loves all things train, but has added all things Titanic and Lego to the mix. He builds constantly and we are often amazed at what he comes up with. Sammy never strays far from his side, as long as he can still see his momma. He is such a momma's boy (as any of our spectacular babysitters will tell you), and showers me with hugs and kisses all day every day. I kind of love it. Sammy also digs trains and Legos, but also balls. He "practices dribbling" around the kitchen, and is always up for a game of catch. We really, really love these boys.
off to graduation
Legos in hand, of course
last day of school
Our dear Mrs. Hlade
early morning "family" training run...yikes!
"playing silly"
sweet friends
the "crew" in Nashville

Vacation with the Family Barron
goggles for May Day

not much longer...
last day of school
Cooper and Sammy plant squash
my sweet summer day 6/5/12

Party on the Ranch (Post 2 of 2)!

We continued celebrating Henry's fifth year in Missouri with a fantastic weekend of fun which included Easter, a party on the Ranch and special time with family and friends...
Reading to Grandpa Leland
Easter Eggs!

We love Lake Sheila...
Fried Chicken with Grandpa Jack