Saturday, August 29, 2009

August draws to a close...

...and we have had such fun with visitors. Ruth and Ralph visited from Michigan for a super weekend of backyard play, a visit to the farm and lots of train time. Henry still talks about "Ralphie" and we are all anxious to play together again soon.

And...a special visit from cousin Carolyn and Aunt Susie this week...all the way from Minnesota!

Baby is due in 2 weeks...we'll post pictures as soon as he/she arrives...stay tuned!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Still having fun... the fire station, the lake with friends, the swimming pool, with Bob and Papa...and the list goes on and on.

And, let the countdown month until baby is due...which means less than one month for Henry to be out of diapers. We're on day two of pull-ups and lots of potty time...hooray!