Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Henry!!!

With our playgroup friends...on our new swingset...with Bob, Papa, Grandma and Grandma Beckman...during special breakfasts...while dying Easter eggs...and every other minute for the last week and a half, we've been celebrating year three. Henry is three years old, and as confirmed by his pediatrician, a BIG and TALL three years old. Every day we are amazed by him, and look forward to what, in addition to more trains, this new year will bring. A close second to trains, Henry loves roller coasters, puzzles and books...Shel Silverstien is the favorite at the moment. Sometimes I can hear him playing in his room reciting lines from his favorite poems..."ickle me, pickle me, tickle me too."

Speaking of tickle me too...Sam has enjoyed all of the Birthday festivities, but Sam enjoys everything as long as it doesn't involve taking naps. Sam, too, is a big boy...a big, happy boy. He rolls and rolls and laughs and laughs. He gives kisses, especially to his mama, and waves bye-bye.

And...a special thanks to BOB for two weeks of wrangling little boys...slicing hot dogs...pouring milk...rocking babies...washing dishes...pushing swings...coloring Easter eggs...changing diapers...working puzzles...icing cupcakes...taking out the trash and being a special, wonderful BOB to Henry and Sam.

We are so happy for the sunshine...come play anytime!