Sunday, June 24, 2007

...and roll on over!

What a weekend! Henry helped Porter Shively celebrate his third birthday on Saturday afternoon. It was a pirate party complete with costumes and lots of hidden treasure. Henry enjoyed dressing up with the treats from his goody bag - thanks Porter! Today was exciting too, and surprising: Henry rolled on over! On Friday he rolled from his tummy to his back, and today from his back to his tummy. Suddenly we find ourselves in a mobile situation...there's no telling where he might roll! Lately, all shirts are soaked as drool drips continuously from his ever-widening grin. He talks to get our attention, and to engage us in conversation. Instead of batting randomly his animals friends (Matt, George, Elliot and Perry) on his play mat, he grabs hold of each one as he kicks and laughs with excitement. Each day is an adventure, and we are flying high.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Big Boy!

Henry has finally discovered how to escape the dreaded "tummy time"...he can now roll quickly from his tummy to his back! And, I captured the very first roll on video. We can barely get him down onto his tummy before he flips himself over to his back. He loves it, and gets very excited as we cheer his accomplishment. So I guess this means tummy time is over. Oh well. We just enjoyed a lovely stroll down the Main Street of Zionsville for the annual Arts Walk. We discovered even more to love about our little town. Henry rode along happily in his Baby Bjorn...our evening walks seem to be his favorite part of the day as he is content and alert, observing all there is to see. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Big Weekend!

My first birthday present from Henry was a full night's sleep that started at 9:30 Thursday night and lasted peacefully until 6:45 Friday morning. This was the longest night yet and I was delighted to wake on my 30th birthday at 6:45 in the morning. After breakfast, Henry presented me with a handmade card with a gift certificate attached for a facial. He then told me that daddy would be home at noon, and that I should pack for a weekend away. I was very excited, and we spent the morning getting things ready. After my facial, we loaded the car and headed to St. Louis for a surprise weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Hacker and Uncle John and Emily. We spent the weekend relaxing and celebrating in the hotel, out to dinner and poolside. I was a little nervous about our hotel slumber party knowing that if Henry was awake in the middle of the night, we all would be. We all slept soundly, though, as Henry made it both nights without waking until morning. He also had his first dip in the pool and loved it, saddened only when it was time to get out. We enjoyed our first Father's Day with daddy and Grandpa Hacker. We exchanged presents which consisted of different forms of Henry pictures and enjoyed a lovely breakfast and lunch. When we got home Sunday afternoon, daddy and Henry relaxed on our new porch swing! We love swinging on it in the afternoons, waiting for daddy to get home from work. So...a wonderful birthday and Father's Day weekend it was. Thank you to all who called, sent cards, presents and flowers - it was quite special.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Lazy Lake Sunday

Promising ourselves a day at the lake on Sunday if we got all of our work done on Saturday, we packed the car and drove a sleeping Henry to Hidden Valley Lake at 10pm Saturday night. We woke on Sunday to the most beautiful sunny day. We enjoyed a lazy pancake breakfast with Grandma Carol and Grandpa Dan before heading to the dock for some sun. Daddy, Henry, Grandma and Grandpa lounged in the shade in the boat while I soaked up the sun on the back of the boat. Henry loved being outside, especially when he felt the breeze blow. I think we have a true outdoorsman on our hands...imagine that ;-). Grandpa Dan got to give Henry his evening bottle - he gets one bottle a day. After a trip to the ice cream shop and a lovely dinner on the deck overlooking the lake, we headed home. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Beckman for a perfect summer Sunday.

Thanks Uncle Scott for my jersey!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Grandma and Grandpa Hacker's visit

We had a wonderful time with Grandma and Grandpa Hacker! They were with us from Wednesday through Sunday while Daddy was in San Francisco for the week. Henry's favorite part was riding in the Baby Bjorn with Grandpa during our evening walks. He loves to look around, bright eyed, at all there is to see. He loves the sky. Grandma's favorite part was stripping Henry down to his birthday suit while he stretched out on a blanket under a shade tree in the backyard. Actually, Henry loved it seems he likes to be naked. Our big project was to weed the gardens and build a picnic table as an Anniversary surprise for Daddy upon his return Friday night. We lit candles and had a wonderful Italian dinner in the backyard...all 5 of us. It was super! Thanks so much for such a great week, Grandma and Grandpa - we love you!