Sunday, March 29, 2009

"Two Old Years"

Happy Birthday Henry! Happy Birthday Henry! Happy Birthday Henry!

Our sweet boy has turned two! Or, as he says "two old years." The celebrations began this morning with a delicious breakfast out with Bob and Papa and continued with an indoor "Backyard BBQ" party...indoor because it was SNOWING outside. Despite the weather, we had a perfect day. Grandma and Grandpa Beckman joined us as Henry woke after his nap to balloons, presents and birthday cake. All were a big hit except for the birthday cake. He truly loved and appreciated each present he opened with an expressive "Oh BOY!" The day ended with a nice bath and lots of hugs and kisses to all of us.

We cannot believe we have a two year old little boy who brings us more joy than I can even begin to describe here. Happy Birthday Sweet Henry - you are just right.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

LOTS to catch up on!

Wow! What a February we had...and now March is in full swing as well. We enjoyed a Fantastic February with Bob here for the whole month (Thanks BOB!), and two visits from Papa, including one on Valentine's Day. Even more, we got to enjoy a post-Valentine celebration with Grandma Carol and Grandpa Dan here...Henry loved having all four grandparents with him for brunch, where we were able to share the BIG news that Henry is going to be a BIG BROTHER in September!

Our celebrations continued with a wonderful visit from Sarah, Scotty and Lily. Little Lily has grown so much since our visit in September and is such fun. Henry is already in love...and is making plans for a long and happy future together.

At the end of the month we made a quick trip to Missouri to meet Jack William with whom we are all in love. He is the sweetest, cutest baby...we can't wait to see him, and his mama and daddy, again very soon.

Henry continues to keep us on our toes and laughing most of the time. He is such a big boy now...loving his trains and the alphabet. On our latest trip to Missouri, he made sure to pack his "R" in his backpack, along with his favorite trains, of course. We are amazed at the words he says, and how he is putting them together. His most recent discovery is dinosaurs and we laugh as he tries to pronounce their names, though some are surprisingly clear considering he still affectionately pronounces Thomas as "Bobbae," though now with a clever grin.

He still loves to be dropped off at school on Mondays. With my March schedule, he is getting used to being dropped off at different sitters/friends homes, sometimes to two different places in one day, and continues to be quite happy each time I leave, giving me a sweet kiss and a "bye-bye mama." Becuase I was on-call in February, I spent a lot of time at the now everytime I leave he announces "mama hospital."

Right now, all dogs are Dozer (after the Boose's Boxer named Dozer) as we take walks we laugh at the thought of everyone who passes with a dog wondering why we are referring to them as "Dozers"..."blue Dozers, black Dozers, red Dozers, yellow Dozers..."

Henry LOVES piggies and is constantly asking for us to sing "This little piggy goes to market..." Sometimes 20-30 times a day...really.

We are looking forward to the end of the month for Henry's second Birthday. He will tell you he is already two, so we will celebrate all month.

That's all for now...