Thursday, February 28, 2008

Little Angel

As part of my Valentine, my Big Valentine dressed my Little Valentine up like an Angel. Apparently after daddy carefully made the wings, he and Henry had an express photo shoot during one of my evening trips to Target. I have to share the pictures...I don't know which is cuter, the little Angel, or the fact that daddy took such care to make Angel wings for Henry to wear.

Henry is 11 months old tomorrow!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Sweet Valentine

What a special Valentine week we've had. Although we miss daddy lots, we had a really fun time with MooMoo and Grandpa Hacker. Henry loved showing off all of his tricks, and learned quite a few more to show daddy on Saturday. His favorite books right now are Green Eggs and Ham, and Talking Toucans and he can find them at the bottom of the pile if asked. Actually, he has about twenty favorite books...he loves to read. He lights up when he finds one of his favorites, squealing with delight at the pictures. It is not unusual for him to pick a book and bring it to us to read to him. This is one of my favorite things. This week he learned what the cow says and perfected his dance moves...he thinks it is funny to dance. His favorite game to play with MooMoo and Grandpa was peek-a-boo...he either holds his hands up to sort of cover his face, or tucks his cheek against his shoulder waiting to hear "Where's Henry?" We play this game over and over and over. We continue to enjoy every minute with our little guy. He is really developing a personality and it is funny, funny. He is very independent and assertive, yet still sweet and loving. Thanks MooMoo and Grandpa for such a wonderful week - we miss you already. Thanks Aunt Wanda for the super fun Valentine was such a hit...Henry opened and closed it all week to hear the music. And, thanks Olivia and Sophie for the Elmo book...Elmo is a favorite at our house. We hope everyone had a sweet, sweet week.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Here we go...

Sunday, February 3, 2008

It's Official!

Henry is officially walking, and we have a black eye and a cut lip to prove it. If we can ever figure out how to post a video - we've been trying for days - we'll show the world. If not, you'll just have to take our word for it. More to come....