Sunday, January 31, 2010

Oh so cold...but oh so fun!

In our attempts to stay warm we've been spending lots of time inside playing with paints and play-doh, practicing tummytime with Sam, reading what must be hundreds of books each day, taking trips to our beloved Children's Museum, enjoying visits from Grandma and Grandpa Beckman, and just being silly. Of course, it wouldn't be wintertime in a Beckman house without some time in the snow...and fortunately Henry takes after his daddy, and seems to love the snow while seemingly oblivious to the frigid temperatures.

Henry continues to love school. In fact, today is Sunday and after our usual Sunday morning breakfast at the Pancake House, he asked if it was time for school yet. He keeps us on our toes, and makes us laugh all day long.

Sam and his smile are growing daily. He is so easy and fun...and big. Like Henry he measures at the top of the charts in size. People marvel that he is only 4 1/2 months old. He rolls over and over and over and loves to play with toys, also like Henry. He grabs anything we give him and examines it carefully, holding tight so as not to drop it. He has discovered his toes and finds delight in their taste and feel. And...he can push the yellow button on his favorite carousel toy! This is a big accomplishment at our house.

So...all in all we are enjoying the season of snow and cold with family fun and an occassional cup of hot tea.

Monday, January 4, 2010

LOTS of Holiday Cheer...

Preceeding Christmas, we were lucky enough to have BOB here for two weeks! In early December, it dawned on me that in a few short weeks I would go back to work and prepared to teach I was not. So, in flew BOB to save the day, and save the day she did...and then some. Together, we all enjoyed the fun of preparing for the Holidays. Henry was really into it, asking Santa for trains and trolleys...and loving the "pretty nice Christmas lights" and the "Christmas tree that Santa brought down the chimney." We celebrated Christmas early with Grandma and Grandpa Beckman at our house, before heading to Missouri for Sam's christening on the 20th. It was such a treat to get to spend 9 days at Bob and Papa's house! We were able to see lots of fun friends and family, and spend more time than usual. Henry, Sam and Baby Jack were able to enjoy lots of playtime together...even riding in the tender of a Holiday we all watched nervously, ready to jump the fence.

Christmas Eve brought lots of excitement as Henry left treats for Santa (graham bunnies, veggie booty and milk) and the reindeer (oatmeal). Christmas morning was even better as we opened presents by the fire. We spent the day hosting family and friends at Bob and Papa's house for lunch and dinner, playing games and eating way more than anyone should. It was wonderful and delicious, though, and we're already looking forward to next year. Henry continues to incorporate a little Christmas into each day still...Christmas oatmeal, Christmas trains, Christmas pizza... ring in the New Year, we got to play with Laura, Olivia and Sophie from New Jersey and we had such fun! We visited the Children's Museum, swung at pinatas, played games each evening and of course, enjoyed lots of deliciousness. Henry loved having Olivia and Sophie here to read to him and to play. He will be talking about their visit for weeks to come, I'm sure. Thanks girls for coming...we can't wait to see you again soon!

And...Sam. Sam really loved Christmas - I just know he did. He has since rolled over from tummy to back, and from back to tummy, slept through the night, and is getting his first tooth! He continues to be the sweetest, most easy going baby offering smiles to all who smile at him. We are having such fun.

Here's to 2010!!