Sunday, January 31, 2010

Oh so cold...but oh so fun!

In our attempts to stay warm we've been spending lots of time inside playing with paints and play-doh, practicing tummytime with Sam, reading what must be hundreds of books each day, taking trips to our beloved Children's Museum, enjoying visits from Grandma and Grandpa Beckman, and just being silly. Of course, it wouldn't be wintertime in a Beckman house without some time in the snow...and fortunately Henry takes after his daddy, and seems to love the snow while seemingly oblivious to the frigid temperatures.

Henry continues to love school. In fact, today is Sunday and after our usual Sunday morning breakfast at the Pancake House, he asked if it was time for school yet. He keeps us on our toes, and makes us laugh all day long.

Sam and his smile are growing daily. He is so easy and fun...and big. Like Henry he measures at the top of the charts in size. People marvel that he is only 4 1/2 months old. He rolls over and over and over and loves to play with toys, also like Henry. He grabs anything we give him and examines it carefully, holding tight so as not to drop it. He has discovered his toes and finds delight in their taste and feel. And...he can push the yellow button on his favorite carousel toy! This is a big accomplishment at our house.

So...all in all we are enjoying the season of snow and cold with family fun and an occassional cup of hot tea.

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