Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mother's Day Weekend

Wow! What a weekend...I don't even know where to begin. On Thursday we loaded up the car and drove 7 hours to introduce Henry to Great Grandma and Grandpa Shamel...it was love at first sight. After a delicious fried turkey dinner with Great Grandpa and Grandma, we finished the last hour of our drive to Bolivar to see Grandma and Grandpa Hacker. The weekend brought lots of surprises for Henry, as he got to meet lots of new people, including his Great Grandpa Jack and Great Grandma Lee, Uncle Scott, Vallie, Cooper and Reagan. The ultimate surprise, though, was for me! My three favorite girls from New Jersey - Laura, Olivia and Sophie - had flown in for the whole weekend! Laura, Tim and mom had been planning the top secret visit for months. I couldn't believe it when I walked in and they jumped out of their hiding spots shouting "SURPRISE!" They joined us all at Henry's shower on Saturday morning and at the farm riding horses Saturday afternoon. Henry wasn't quite big enough to ride the horse, but he got to pet him with the help of Uncle Scott. Cowboy Jim and Aunt Sheila showed us all a great time at the farm giving horse rides. We even got to see a brand new baby colt named Deano at Great Grandpa's house. The whole experience was a real treat. On Sunday morning we all attended Henry's Christening at the Bolivar United Methodist Church. I think there were 25 of us there! A luncheon followed at my mom and dad's house. We were so happy to have Tim's parents join us for the weekend, too! Henry is still talking about meeting Great, Great Aunt Wanda...he loved her singing. The whole weekend was wonderful - I couldn't have asked for a better Mother's Day weekend...thanks to EVERYONE who joined us to celebrate!

Happy Mother's Day!

Laura and Sophie

Grandpa Hacker and Henry

Four generations

Olivia, Sophie and Earl

Uncle Scott, Henry and Aunt Sheila

The Beckmans

Great, Great Aunt Wanda, Henry and Grandpa Beckman

Emily Ann, Mom, Great Grandpa Hacker, Henry and Uncle John

My favorite little helpers

Great Grandpa Shamel

Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Shamel

Olivia, Sophie, Reagan, Cooper and Henry

1 comment:

Adrienne Maples said...

So sorry to have missed all the fun!!! It's great to see all the smiles including Henry, what a charmer :)

I can't wait to see you guys, I'm still not sure when it will be?? :(