Monday, August 6, 2007

Dancing in the Streets

Grandpa Hacker and MooMoo left on Sunday morning after a birthday breakfast for Grandpa. We had a wonderful week with them - we miss them much today. Thursday night we took them to our favorite Greek place for Gyros - yum. Henry played all through dinner. He is quite dramatic. He fake coughs when we aren't paying him enough attention. When I look away from him, he coughs to get my attention, then laughs and laughs when I turn to look at him. He did this all through dinner. On Friday night we enjoyed a slow evening at home eating tacos and ice cream. Thanks Grandma Shamel for the delicious tomatoes! On Saturday night we danced the night away at the Zionsville Street Dance. Not really, but we watched other people dance while we enjoyed the eats and the live music. A great end to a great week!

1 comment:

Adrienne Maples said...

I want some delicious tomatoes!!!