Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Cowboy Henry Turns 1

A good time was had by all at Henry's Cowboy Birthday party on Sunday. Family and friends dressed up as cowboys and cowgirls to celebrate Henry's first year. Cowboy Jim and Cowgirl Sheila won the award for best dressed, showing up in full western attire, complete with leather chaps. Henry loves all of his new toys, clothes and books. Thank you to everyone who helped make this such a special celebration. A special thanks to MooMoo and Grandpa Hacker for hosting the big event...it was perfect. Here's to year two!


Liz said...

OK---the argyle sweater vest rules! He's such a handsome young man!!!

Elizabeth Cole said...

I swear every time I check out the blog, Henry gets cuter (which isn't even logically possible, since he's been the cutest thing I've ever seen from Day 1!) Happy Belated Birthday Henry!! Tell your mom to call me!
love, LizardPie