Saturday, January 1, 2011

So this was Christmas...

...and we sure had fun! Christmas cookies and concerts and gingerbread trains led us to the beginning of our 2010 Road Trip Extravaganza, known in our family as "The Polar Express." First stop, 8 hours later, Bob and Papa's festively adorned home welcomed us for our kickoff Christmas celebration complete with friends and family, delicious treats, warm fires and good times. After a couple of nights on Oak Terrace, we adventured overnight, for 11 hours, through Kansas to a much warmer, and not-so-snowy Denver, Colorado, where we spent one week celebrating with Family Beckman. Complete with snowy mountain train rides with Santa and Mrs. Claus, more Christmas cookies, a beautiful Christmas Eve festival of lights, a day of skiing and more delicious treats, we celebrated all week long. After a sunny, 60 degree Christmas afternoon, when all the presents had been opened and dinner devoured, we loaded our sleepy, pajama-clad boys into the car and headed East, back through Kansas, to play a few days more with Family Missouri before finally crossing the finish line, nearly 2 weeks later, back home. A wonderful Christmas was had, and shared, by all...thanks to all who hosted us as we barrelled festively through...

A gingerbread train, of course

Go Daddy, Go

Introducing, The Polar Express

Love Kiley

Great Grandpa Jack Hacker

Good friends Shannon and Sweet Cooper

With Libby just before first EVER preschool Christmas program


Introducing, Jack Hacker, cousin extraordinaire

Hackers, plus Henry

Uncle Scott

Great Grandma Flossie

Snowy Mountain Train, or "The Polar Express"

Jack Nicholson...or Grandpa Dan?

Hostess Extraordinaire, Aunt Kim with Koleton

Aunt E and Uncle T

Happy Birthday Grandma Carol!

Great Grandpa Jack

Cooper, Regan and the Boys

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