Thursday, August 30, 2012

Super Summer: School! (Part 1 of 3)

One word: KINDERGARTEN! Henry started kindergarten, and he is doing great. He rides the bus every morning, and seems to love every minute of school. He gives a pretty full report at dinner each night and we are so excited to hear the details. Henry begins this year still loving (to put it lightly) trains. He is particularly taken by his imaginary friend/hero Polar Express, who is magic, all-knowing and invincible. A new passion has been born though, too: Legos. Henry builds and builds and builds. It is a passion we support fully... Sammy started the 3's class, and feels like pretty big stuff as well. He goes M-W-F, all day and reports to us, bashfully, when he "makes new friends." Sammy loves pretty much anything Henry loves, including trains and legos. He has his own unique passions though too, including balls, balls and balls. He can throw 'em, shoot 'em, kick 'em, catch 'em and hit 'em much like his Uncle John. This fall Sammy has asked to play soccer, while Henry has asked to attend robotic camp (we settled on piano lessons). We love it. This is going to be a great year for sure...bring it on!

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