Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Labor Day at the Lake...

We spent a super fun weekend at the lake with Grandpa Hacker, MooMoo, Uncle John and Emily. Grandpa and Grandma Beckman were so kind to let us stay at their house while they were out of town. We were happy to see them arrive home Sunday night, though, and spend Monday with us. On Monday, Henry got to meet Wyatt Glassmeyer and Drew Franta. They are a little younger than Henry, but will be great friends as they grow up. On Saturday morning we all witnessed Henry eat his first bowl of rice cereal! It was very exciting, and he loved it! On Sunday night he tried peas, and though they took a little getting used to, he enjoys them now. We all laughed as he grimmaced and spit them out after the first few bites. He gets very excited when the spoon approaches his mouth, kicking his legs and waving his arms. He loves to eat - another reason he fits perfectly in our family. And, eating will become easier and easier for him because he now has two bottom teeth and is really working on the top two. We expect to see them appear any day now. He continues to suck his fingers and toes, or anything else he can find. He is so close to sitting up on his own, and is itching to crawl. The next couple of weeks could be big ones around here. Otherwise, we continue to enjoy every minute with him. Happy September!

MooMoo and Henry

Henry, Wyatt and Drew


Sweet Nora and Henry

First bite!

Grandpa Hacker and MooMoo

Auntie Em and Uncle John


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