Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Six Months Old!!

We can't believe Henry is six months old. The past six months have been the best yet, and we are excited for the next six. Henry now weighs in at 17 lbs., 15 oz. and is 29 inches long. So, he is in the 60th percentile for weight, and is off the charts for height. He squeals and blows raspberries constantly, smiling always. He is able to scoot to where he wants to go. He continues to get up on all fours and rock back and forth, but has yet to actually crawl to get something. He loves his toys and his books and his Johnny Jump-Up. He is a very active boy, moving all the time. He continues to fake cough when he needs some extra attention, and then laughs and laughs when we react. He wants to clap with us as we sing, but he gets only one clap in and then his hands get stuck together. He thinks it's funny, though. For the past week he has been waving hello and goodbye to everyone we see. He is quite proud of this accomplishment. We wrapped up our week in Bolivar at Great Grandma and Grandpa Shamel's house. Grandma fixed a delicious dinner for us, complete with coconut cream pie. MooMoo and Grandpa Hacker joined us for a little more playtime and one more bedtime story before we had to say goodbye. We spent Henry's six month birthday, and daddy's 29th birthday at the lake with Grandma and Grandpa Beckman, Aunt Em and Uncle T. The weather was beautiful. We were even able to get out on the water! Tim gave Henry some windsurfing lessons on the lawn before showing him how it's done on the water. Thanks everyone for such a super fun birthday weekend!!

Playing with MooMoo at Grandma and Grandpa Shamel's house last week

Bedtime stories with Grandpa Hacker are the best

Daddy windsurfing

Waving bye-bye

Henry's windsurfing lesson

Grandpa Beckman and my new Johnny Jump-Up


Denise said...

Em and Tim,
How I love checking up on your blog every week!! What a fabulously gorgeous boy... he couldn't look any more like John!! Congrats on 6 wonderful months, and our best for the next 6. It's going to be an exciting time for all of you. All my love, Denise

Denise said...

Em and Tim,
How I love checking up on your blog every week!! What a fabulously gorgeous boy... he couldn't look any more like John!! Congrats on 6 wonderful months, and our best for the next 6. It's going to be an exciting time for all of you. All my love, Denise