Thursday, November 15, 2007

Climbing, Climbing...

We have enjoyed a relaxing week and weekend at home with not much new except for our little climber. Henry climbs on everything all the time. Before and after his naps he tries to climb up the sides of his crib. When crawling around the floor he pulls himself up on everything...chairs, toys, mirrors, file cabinets, piles of books, and a plethora of tables that are now fastened securely to beds and walls. He is constantly on the move. He continues to love his food and has added cheerios and biter biscuits to the menu. He is working on "mama"...we hear it often though we are still unsure if he knows exactly to whom he is referring. He loves his Wednesdays with Grandma Carol and his favorite part of everyday is when daddy walks in the door after work. He flaps his arms and legs and squeals with excitement every time. I'm determined to get it on video, and when I do, I'm going to try to post it here. Hope everyone is super...have a wonderful weekend!! PS - thanks Grandpa Dan for my basket of puppies!

1 comment:

Liz said...

I can't believe how big he's getting! Oh, I hope we can have a visit sometime soon...between our move and the holidays, I don't know when it will happen though. Maybe early '08?! That sounds so far away. Keep the pictures coming. It at least makes us feel like we're closer. ;)
Love to you all!!!